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Time is Really Short,
So Use Your Time Wisely!
All through time we have heard the expression, time is short. Little did we know how true those words were then. Now we know! We know we have time but we don’t own it. We know days go by fast and we can’t stop it.
“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin
One of the primary keys to developing a home-based business is an understanding, appreciation and proper use of time.
Time management is hard to manage even in the pressure of the corporate world. It becomes even more difficult when you are the only one accountable for your time.
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Time waits for no one. Waste a second and now you’re a second behind. Can you get it back? Only if you can catch the wind!” – John Brooks
The development of time management techniques often begins with consistent list-making routines. These lists are an important means of helping you stay on task and complete the goals you have for the day.
One of the ways many entrepreneurs manage their list of ‘to do’ items is to place the most difficult and most immediate items first on the list and then tackle each issue in order – one at a time.
The natural inclination is to sort through the list and find the things that are easy to do and tackle a few of those. This would be all right except the end result is simply the completion of less than essential items that typically replace those things that really need to get done.
“Everyone at birth starts a clock, then days, weeks, months and years pass. Look back and see how much have you done with your time. Are you happy with how it went?” – Queenie Brooks
One of the things that can pull a home-based business off track is when there is a lull in business activity and the owner lavishes their attention on so many ‘fun’ activities that they find it difficult to move back into work mode when they need to.
The Internet is a playground of fun activities that exist alongside legitimate means of e-commerce. This can provide a detrimental temptation to home-based business owners.
This has been well documented since the creation of social media platforms. Savvy business owners spend just enough time on these platforms to accomplish their goals (e.g. promotions, advertisements, connecting with customers). However, with so many “out of control” behaviors evident on these platforms little notice can be paid to time spent that may end up being a waste of time. Use time wisely is the message from successful business owners.
The happiest people spend much time in a state of flow – the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
One trait of the best home-based business is an effective use of time. It is nothing to be wasted and it can’t be saved it can only be used wisely or irresponsibly.
Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce? – Ralph Waldo Emerson
At birth, life starts with joy and happiness and thousands of days ahead. The key to continued joy and happiness is to make sure every second, minute and hour counts for something.” – Queenie Brooks
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